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El evento ha terminado

1 hora

Community Members Q&A

Every 2 weeks 1 Hour:  our community come together and dive deep into our business strategies, ask questions, make suggestions. This is an opportunity to have your questions answered and get opinions, ideas and work-arounds from your fellow community members. Your questions must be sent in 48 hours before the event to be handled on the session. All discussions will form the basis of new training, updates and direction as we grow the business.


Los oradores

Este evento estará impulsado por grandes profesionales.

Jamie Sylvian


Puede esperar los siguientes temas.

Welcome and Introduction

14:00 - 14:05

5 minutos

Opening remarks and overview of the Q&A session.

Review of Frequently Asked Questions

14:05 - 14:20

15 minutos

Addressing common questions received from the community.

Open Forum

14:20 - 14:50

30 minutos

Providing an opportunity for registered community members to ask their questions and share their thoughts.

Wrap-up and Closing Remarks

14:50 - 15:00

10 minutos

Summarizing the key points discussed and thanking participants for their engagement.